Dreams can come true


One thing I’ve always been told is “Never meet your heroes. They will just disappoint you!” and many people never have the chance to meet them. However, last night I met my hero. Former MP for Eastleigh and energy secretary Mr Chris Huhne, and I was far from let down.

For many of you who have read my blog or know me personally,  will know that this man is the reason I joined the Liberal Democrats. Because of his dedication in helping my family on two occasions and to Eastleigh. I always hoped that one day I would be able to meet him in person to thank him for his dedication but never thought I would get the chance.

Well, at the 2016 Liberal Democrat autumn conference, I did just that. When I heard that he was talking at a fringe event Sunday evening, the fan girl within me freaked out. Suddenly I thought “This is it, I can finally thank him!”.

When he walked through the door I thought I would freeze with nervousness at the prospect of speaking to him. Then all of sudden I was introduced to Chris by a friend of his,  I must say, he is one of the nicest politicians I have ever met.

I told him my story of the occasions in which he helped my family, that he was the reason I joined the party and without his inspiration, I wouldn’t  be where I am today within party. He seemed interested  in hearing my story and was very kind when I asked for a photo with him.

After he had given his talk about the environmental impact that Brexit will have. I went up to him and asked him if he would signed my copy of “The green book: New directions for liberal in government.” In which Chris writes about green growth within the economy and that going green has to be fair. And he did.

Both chapters are very well written and very enjoyable to read.

I then lastly said to Chris “It was very to finally lovely to met you!” and he said “It was very nice to meet you to!” I think that was the part that made my day the most and I went off as one very happy person.

Meeting Chris was the highlight of my Autumn conference experience and one moment I will never forget.

Since joining the Liberal Democrats I was elected to become part of the Liberal Youth policy committee. Also, within my first year becoming Eastleighs social media executive and also Eastleighs Liberal Youth representative.

But not just that. My confidence has flourished and my fear of public speaking eradicated as well as making many amazing friends.

Without this mans inspiration, none of my experiences within the Liberal Democrats would have been possible. For that I am forever grateful.


If you would like to read in more depth about how Chris helped my family and any past articles I have written about Chris work, please click the link below to my pass articles.


Why I joined the Liberal Democrats

The Green Deal: “Cutting carbon is not a luxury to be ditched when the going gets tough!”

REVIEW: Chris Huhnes appearance on BBC This Week