About me and my blog

Welcome to my blog the Liberal Queen.


I am a passionate member of the Liberal Democrats who has a strong opinion on such issues as the NHS, Education, liberal values and the EU referendum.o as you can tell, I plan to try and have a big involvement within British politics in the future. If also given the chance to be in the cabinet. I would like to be the Secretary for Energy and Climate Change.

On this blog I will be giving my political view on many topics that are big within the UK. Through this blog I hope to express my views and opinions on current and potential future political issues , as well as expressing my liberal values as part of  the Liberal Democrat fightback which I feel so passionate about as a member and why I will always believe that there will a need for the Liberal Democrats within British politics.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog, and I hope you are just as passionate about the future of our Country and liberal values being expressed within the UK.

Feel free to contact me on twitter with any political issues within the UK you would like me to  address: @ThatLibDemgirl

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